
Ask Us To Buy It

If you can't find the item you are looking for in the Library and you would like to see it in our collection, you can ask us to buy it.

Books 4 U

Check out our new service called 'Books4U'.

Library members can now ring their local library branch (Timaru Library 03 687 7202, Temuka Library 03 687 7591 or Geraldine Library 03 693 9336), and ask for a selection of items they can collect -  this can include Hold items ready to be collected, please let us know when you call if you've had any notifications that your Hold(s) are available.

When you ring to arrange Books4U, we will explain when and from which door you can collect your items.

This service is only available via phone - no emails or Messenger please.

Please share this news with any family members or friends who might like to use this service.

Displays &  Noticeboards

Noticeboards are available in our libraries for community use for posters and notices about community-based events and non-profit organisations.

Display board bookings can be arranged on a case-by-case basis with each of our libraries and should be suitable for the general public.

Email Newsletters

Find out about the latest releases in eAudio and eBooks (digital), fiction, non-fiction,  large print, talking books, young adults, and
children and place a hold, all in one go.  We have newsletters on thrillers, travel, biographies, picture books, gardening and more.

Keep up to date with the latest titles, best picks and featured selections.  You can subscribe to our newsletters which come out either monthly or bi-monthly.

Information and Reference Services

Our specialist library staff can help you search our collections and online databases. We can source material from other libraries using our inter-library loan service.

To use our free Reference Services visit, phone or email our libraries. Our Digital Library provides free access to many databases, thousands of quality articles, academic journals, overseas newspapers, and popular magazines.

Inter-Library Loans

When an item is not held in our Libraries we may be able to borrow it via Inter-Library loan from another New Zealand Library.  Charges apply.


Timaru District Libraries provide free computing and Internet access via the Aotearoa People's Network Kaharoa (APNK).

APNK touch screen ChromeStations and ChromeBooks are available and run the Google ChromeOS operating system. You can use Google Chrome to access the internet and there are a number of popular Apps available for use.

To edit or create a word document you will need to access  either Google Docs or Word Online. Google Docs is extremely convenient if you already have a Gmail or Google account, and you can launch it directly from your Gmail (9 dots in the top-right corner).

If you prefer to use Word, Microsoft has an online version available. Microsoft email (Outlook, Hotmail) users can launch Word Online directly from their email (9 dots in the top-left corner). Alternatively, you can go to and sign in with your Microsoft account details, to access the Office Online suite, including Word. See here for instructions on how to create a Microsoft account.

Each APNK device has a USB port and some devices offer a webcam. Please bring your own headset/headphones if required. Each APNK session lasts for up to half an hour, but can be extended if no-one else is waiting.

Free Wifi access is also available at all our libraries.

Black and white or colour A4 printing is available from APNK devices at a cost of 20 cents per each side of a page for black and white, or $1.00 for colour.

In using the Aotearoa People's Network Kaharoa you agree to be legally bound by relevant New Zealand law, including copyright, privacy and censorship laws, and also agree to the Timaru District Libraries' Terms of Use.

Justices of the Peace

Justices of the Peace are available in all 3 libraries Timaru, Temuka and Geraldine on Saturday mornings from 10am -12 noon. These services are free of charge.

Library Tours

Have you ever wondered what really goes on behind the scenes in the Library? Here's your chance to find out - Library tours are available to Community Groups, Schools and Pre-Schools by arrangement. Contact our Libraries for more details.

Mend & Sew Group, Sewing Machine Availability

The Mend & Sew Group meets monthly and is designed to assist participants in completing upcycling, repurposing or mending projects. Groups will meet each month (excluding December): Geraldine: 9am - 11am (every 4th Thursday of the month) and Timaru: 2pm - 4pm (every 4th Thursday of the month). Both venues are limited to a maximum number of six participants, so bookings are essential.  Sewing machines are available for public use at Geraldine and Timaru libraries, Monday to Friday, during opening hours. Click here for more details.